Please register using the form below.

**Note there is an approval process, so once registered you will have to wait for an approval email before you are able to login with your new account. Approval can take anywhere from 1-24 hours. Thank you for your patience!**
Whitewater Awards is Rider submitted, rider voted.  If you have submitted to a category, or been forwarded this link by an industry professional, please register and we will approve your request within 1 day.
This is not an exclusive panel deciding what is best, it's the community of riders at the heart and soul of the community.  The Activists that fight for inclusivity, diversity and free flowing rivers around the World.  The industry leaders who support this event and strive to innovate and engineer the safest and highest performing gear on the market.  The riders who's passion and fire continue to fuel the progression, and elevate what is possible in a kayaking.
While this is not an exclusive panel, we do utilize the approval process to keep WWA from becoming a popularity contest.  Please do not share the registration link online, or with friends and family.  We want this to be the best in kayaking, and for the achievements of the past year to be voted upon by those in tune with the whitewater community.
We kindly appreciate your understanding.


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